Sichuan Province-Policy Published For Utilization of Straw In Fields

On April 18, 2013, Environmental Protection Office of Sichuan Province hold a meeting on the topic of utilizing straw and forbidden straw burning, and Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang, Meishan, Ziyang had come to the agreement of utilizing straw and forbid individuals straw burning. The governments would help the famers to change their opinion, to achieve the goal of famers utilize straws spontaneously other than being forced.

Straw can be utilized in many ways: straw fertilizer, animal feed, the base material, raw materials, briquette fuel. In order to accelerate the process, local governments would provide subsidy to the farmers in buying large equipments in harvesting and packaging straw, for example: the packaging machine and biomass briquetting machine, etc. There will also be a cut of the transportation cost and low interest loan to the biomass straw related industry. Some large daily chemicals corporation has made plans on buying tons of straws, after carbonization, they could be made into many charcoal products. The farmers would also make a promise on not burning straw by the fields.

This is a very smart move of the government, by uniting the information of 5 different places, the utilization of straw would be much more efficient than before, the other provinces of China could do the same to make the air quality improved a lot in the year of 2013.

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