Specifications of Briquettes Made From Sawdust

sawdust briquette

Briquettes made from sawdust are considered to be very economical and the best alternatives when it comes to using charcoal or firewood. The best thing about these briquettes is that they can easily burn for several hours which have made them to be good choices for materials that would otherwise be deposited. With a little knowledge, you can easily make your own briquettes at home through the use of sawdust along with wood shavings.
It is important to note that briquettes made from sawdust have their own specifications. These specifications are very important as they will ensure you have the best and quality briquettes that will last for a long period of time. The first thing that you need to have is the length that you want for your briquettes. The length of the briquettes is supposed to be about three hundred millimeters.
briquette machine

The other specification is a dimension which is supposed to be fifty millimeters which are supposed to be art the middle to withstand combustion. Additionally, the calorific value is supposed to be very equal in that the kilograms are supposed to be between 4750-4800. The ash maximum is about to be one percent. This is because the ash produced should be minimal compared to other types of materials such as firewood. These specifications are important simply because they will help you in making the right briquettes.

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