What can you get from deep processing the straws

The straws left in the field used to be worthless, later it become raw material for feed pellet and biomass briquette productions, is there anything else can be produced out of it? The answer is definitely yes, one biomass tech company in China did a full experiment by deep processing straw, and you couldn’t know how many different products can be made out of this single raw material.Since the tech details of the processes are not published, there are only the test results and some related info of this experiment.

In this test, approximately 10 kg of wood tar, 30 kg of wood vinegar, 800 cubic meters of gas and 0.6 tons of straw carbon are produced out of per ton of straw. The wood vinegar and cubic meters can be used in the production of disinfectants, preservatives, pesticides; the left residue can be made into charcoal product-biomass charcoal briquette: the heat value of 2 tons of straw charcoal briquette is equal to 1 tons of standard coal, or it could be used in fertilizer production; the gas produced in the processes contains Nitrogen, methane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen, it can be used provide heat and power.

With the deep processing technologies of straw becomes mature, the economic value of straw will be increased, so is the profitability of the straw processing.

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